
Lost Balls and My New Fetish by Frankie

Hi Ya Chessie,

   Just a quick update from me while mommy's away making herself some tea. The other day I was nosing around and came across an old toy ball. It looked kinda odd with it's weird yellow-green color and fuzzy texture. It isn't really good smelling from all the dust on it but when I push it, it goes rolling fast. I decided to ask mommy about it so I played and rolled it out to her so she could see it. She started laughing and picked it up and asked where I got it. As if I'd tell her where my new stash is located.

   Turns out, nobody has seen it for years. It's been 'lost' behind the bed since there were dogs living here. Someone must have been playing with it and forgot where they put it. Mommy dusted and cleaned it up by vacuuming it off, then giving it a good soapy wash and dry. She tested it a bit by bouncing it on the floor and getting my attention in the process. In mid bounce I leaped in the air like the jungle cat I am and snatched it away. Scrambling to catch up with it, I ran around the house knocking into things along the way.

   Oh, before I forget to tell you, this is something funny... Mommy thinks I must have a foot fetish cause I like to rub on and lick her feet. She laughs and stops me because it tickles and says it's gross. I think her feet smell and taste nice cause she's always putting lotion or something on them. There's just something about coconut flavored* I mean scented stuff. Yummy!

   Which reminds me, I gotta go find mommy. It's been a little while since I licked her.


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