
The Back Yard by Frankie


  Hhmmm, I don't know about butterflies or hummingbirds other then when I was there, but we have squirrels and lots of different kinds of birds. The Blue-jays are my favorite. Mommy throws out peanuts for them in the morning and there's always at least one around that flies up into the big tree in the yard and squawks. Then a few minutes later we have a bunch more. They dive-bomb from the tree down to the grass, then hop around to find a peanut they like, and fly off to eat it or hide it for later. It's so awesome to watch, I lay down as flat as I can so they don't see me. The rest of the birdies eat on the other side of the yard at the feeders. Mommy even tosses some food on the ground for the cooing mourning doves cause they can't fit on the foot holds of the feeder.

   We don't have flowers just some grass, a bush and the tree. The next door neighbor has a bunch of trees, and one that blooms, that the tiny little sparrows like to hide in. Mommy said the only reason we don't have flowers out there is cause mom-mom would find a way to kill them. She doesn't have a green thumb as they say. Besides, she said the bunnies would be all over the flowers or vegetables like me on canned food.

   About the tape measure, I totally agree, it's not fair. Mommy was using hers in the living room yesterday, and mom-mom said it's probably one of her 'organization ideas'. She keeps rolling her eyes whenever mommy cleans and picks up things around the house to 'put them in their place'. I think I'm NOT gonna get in the middle of that.

Well I'm due for a nap now, talk to ya later.


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